Episode 185
Sword Swallower Brianna Belladonna
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R.I.P. David “Doc” Rivera (in his Showmen’s Museum)
My new (and forever) email – waynekeyser290@gmail.com
24 Games Old and New – just $5
Old Magician’s Notebook just $5
“Our Old Carny Magician, the one who led us through the pitfalls of building illusions, passed on in 1960. He was known as The Great Zara of the old Brundage Carnival. For years he supervised our magic plans, and in exchange, we helped him with the mail-order business he later operated.
“When he passed on the left us his notebooks on magic, and we took 20 of his illusions and put them together in one group: “The Old Magician’s Notebook”. They are detailed, the instructions tell how everything works, and we’ve made drawings from his sketches so you can build from them – but we don’t have a single dimension. So we won’t call them “plans”. What we sell as plans are actual building plans, with every possible dimension. We know these will work a (box to hold a man must of course be large enough for the man) but as we have not built these illusions, and he didn’t leave the dimensions, you will have to build them on your own.
“They include the following: Trilby’s Couch (Floating a Strange Lady), Drawing Board Drinks, Blackstone’s Vanishing Horse, Buried Alive On Stage, Amphitrite (Girl Whirls Through The Air), 3-Headed Lady, Vanishing an Elephant, Harlequin Decapitation (cut-off head smokes), Noah’s Ark (girl substitutes for animals), Magic Palanquin (girl vanishes from carried litter), Bullet Catch, Escape from Steel Tank, Transparent Trunk Vanish (girl vanishes), 3-Fold Screen Production (Temple Screen), Blackstone’s 3-Card Monte, Girl From Nowhere, Indian Basket Illusion, Girl From Shadow, Trick Seance, Escape From Metal-Lined Box, Comedy Pile Driver Illusion, Slap Stick.
“These are prized secrets of the old-timer. Some have been handed down since 1890. Some were never printed before.”
Reproduced from the 1960 original. 13 pages 8½x11″ format.